1.) Project Name:
Blood lead levels and cognitive function: A meta-analysis

2.) Research focus:
Occupational Psychology

3.) Subject area:
Cognitive psychology, occupational psychology, health psychology, clinical psychology, clinical toxicity, occupational psychogical toxicity, health effects of exposure to nanoparticles, environmental toxicity, exposure control, occupational and environmental diseases, toxicity of metal(s)

4.) Cooperation partner:
Dr.in, Galateja, Jordakieva / Medical University of Vienna; Priv.-Doz. Dr., Timo, Gnambs / Leibnitz Institute for Educational Progress e.V.; Mag. Dr. MBA, Christoph Augner / Paracelsus Medical Private University; Ao. Univ.-Prof. Dr. MSc MBA, Richard, Crevenna / Medical University of Vienna; Priv.-Doz. Dr., Robert, Winker / Krankenanstalt der Krankenfürsorgeanstalt der Bediensteten der Stadt Wien;

5.) Project lead:
Univ.Prof. DDr. Alfred Barth (alfred.barth@sfu.ac.at)

6.) Team members:
Univ.Prof. DDr. Alfred Barth, Thomas Vlasak, BSc.

7.) Project description:

The neurotoxicity of lead is well-known and even low exposure levels potentially impact neurocognitive abilities. This meta-analysis aimed to investigate associations between neurocognitive performance and lead exposure in adults and further assess potential effect thresholds. Articles indexed in Medline published until January 2017 reporting associations between lead exposure, blood lead, cognitive abilities and sensomotoric performance were included. The unbiased, standardized mean differences g between lead exposure and control groups extracted from the primary studies were pooled using a three-level, random-effects meta-analytic model with a restricted maximum likelihood estimator. Moderator analyses were conducted using weighted, mixed-effects regression analyses.